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October 4, 2024

Legal News

October 4, 2024

Tiktok Gets Its Day In Court

TikTok appeared in court to challenge its impending ban in the U.S. The popular video app, along with its Chinese parent company ByteDance, initially filed a lawsuit in May to stop the ban. Monday’s oral arguments are seen as a potential prelude to a Supreme Court case, which many legal experts anticipate due to the high-stakes nature of the issue.

The U.S. government argues that TikTok poses a national security threat by giving China access to sensitive American data, while TikTok and ByteDance claim that banning the app would infringe on First Amendment rights.

One possible way to avoid the ban is for ByteDance to sell TikTok to a U.S. government-approved buyer. However, some argue that such a sale "isn’t legally, commercially, or technically feasible" before the January 2025 deadline. Public support for banning TikTok has also waned, with 32% of Americans in favor, down from 50% in March 2023, according to the Pew Research Center.

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