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October 8, 2024

Legal News

October 8, 2024

Sexual Harassment Training

In both New York State (NYS) and New York City (NYC), employers are required to provide annual sexual harassment prevention training:

New York State (NYS)
  • Who: All employees, including part-time and temporary workers.
  • Frequency: Annually.
  • Content: Must be interactive, define sexual harassment, cover rights, complaint processes, bystander intervention, and retaliation protections.
  • Language: Must be in the employee's primary language if available.
New York City (NYC)
  • Who: Employers with 15+ employees must train all employees, interns, and contractors working over 80 hours a year.
  • Frequency: Annually.
  • Content: Similar to NYS, but includes NYC-specific rules and employer responsibilities.
  • Posters/Notices: Employers must display anti-harassment posters and distribute fact sheets.

Employers must comply with both state and city laws.

The attorneys at Outside Legal Counsel LLP have extensive experience conducting sexual harassment and other types of trainings as well as drafting employment related documents. Reach out to us to schedule a consultation.

This is not legal advice and is attorney advertising.

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