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November 18, 2014

Legal News

November 18, 2014

Interview of Erica Loren, Certified Career and Leadership Coach - by Erin Lloyd

We are talking with Certified Career and Leadership Coach Erica Loren from Coaching2Greatness today about her expertise on how one can utilize personal career coaching to get out of a sticky work situation with ease, clarity and happiness.

Erin Lloyd: Erica, can you describe a situation that could help our audience understand how someone like you would be able to help a person who is feeling very trapped and unhappy in a current job situation see that there are options on how to handle this situation that will leave them feeling empowered and not trapped – putting them at even greater risk?

Erica Loren: Sure. One situation that comes to mind was with a client who had a lot of leadership influence and early success within a year of being hired with a company that over a short period of time began to resent her for it. Which then unfolded into underground gossip, backstabbing, and efforts to sabotage her future success by the leadership team and the Boss.  So much that any new hires would be brainwashed to think she was bad before this person even got a chance to know her.  Then the final blow came when her boss accused her of bullying an employee to which he told her to keep her mouth shut because he didn’t want a discrimination lawsuit (the woman who accused her was Asian). The boss refused to hear her argument and took her leadership responsibilities away.

Erin: Wow, that sounds like a lot of stress and pressure for a person to be under and while having to perform their job. What are some of the ways you could help a person in this situation to reduce the stress and come to a healthy resolution?

Erica: Great question. Often times when we are in these types of scenarios we can often feel like a victim, which at first is understandable. So what I might work on with the client to see is what could an  ideal situation look like, so they can step out of victim mode and see possibilities. What this does is activates  a part of the brain known as the the prefrontal cortex  that  can allow for true  creative processing thus allowing for  healthier solutions. At the same time this also deactivates to the limbic part of brain that is feeling threatened and under attack thus creating flight or fight responses which never lead to good decision making.  As humans we can not be in both these areas of the brain at the same time, the dominant thought and emotion will prevail.

Erin: Very interesting, and what would be a process in which you would help them see a long term view of what could happen?

Erica: Most clients need a program that will begin with their current challenge, while then addressing ideal outcomes, with a 6 month and 1 year view, along with identifying current obstacles and roadblocks that could pose a problem along the way.We also would work with assessments to gauge behavior styles and tendencies to advance the client toward their goals while helping them understand who they are and how they are showing  in the world.

Erin: Seems like a comprehensive way to tackle this complex situation that sounds like would leave them feeling much better in some many ways then just say leaving or waiting to get fired. Now to switch gears a little bit here, can you tell us how did you become interested in the field of coaching?

Erica: I love this question because no two people ever have the same answer and it really is a unique decision one makes when considering this field. Coaching is so different because it does not track like many other professions like nursing, doctors etc. Over the course of my career  I was always championing, inspiring, and coaching others toward their career paths and with my past career in medicine and dentistry, I knew I was maxing out on options to advanced myself. I knew I didn’t want to be a doctor or director and started to seek out what my next career move would be.  I also realized being in many different workplaces allowed me opportunities to excel but with limits, due to the toxicity in these environments. It left me feeling very frustrated and sad which is why I  made it my mission to help professionals discover their personal gifts for their professional pursuits.

In my search for the next step, I came across an ad in the paper for coaching and thought, “Hey I can do this, this sounds like me!” and I went for it and never turned back. I went on to become an ICF certified coach from the Institute for Professional and Excellence in Coaching 2009, and opened my coaching practice, Coaching2Greatness, in 2010. I also sit on the International Coaching Federation Board and actively volunteer on Educational and Professional Development Committee.

Erin: If a kid walked up to you asking for your advice and you only had a few minutes to give ‘em your best tip, what would it be?

Erica: Your career is what you’re paid for and your calling is what you’re made for. Invest in services that will help you discover your calling, be in service to help others, and make time for what really brings you joy and happiness.

It’s not your employer’s job to determine your career path, and its certainly not your mother’s responsibility or your spouse’s responsibility to make this happen for you either. It’s your responsibility to discover, create, and respond to what you’re meant here to do on this earth.

Erica Loren, ACC, CPC is an ICF Certified Career Coach who partners with professionals seeking happiness and fulfillment in their careers, by honing in on the belief that we all have the potential to discover our personal gifts through professional pursuits. She guides clients down a clear and focused path, toward a powerful vision of what they want to achieve in helping them discover their dream jobs. She not only works with individuals but she also partners with corporations who want to cultivate a healthier happier work environment.

You can learn more about Erica by visiting:; Linkedin:; Facebook:, or by calling: (732) 757-1880.

Erin Lloyd, Esq. is an employment lawyer and partner at Lloyd Patel LLP, a general practice law firm.  She represents individuals who have been subjected to unlawful discrimination, harassment and pay practices and helps them recover the damages they are entitled to. Ms. Lloyd works with clients to develop a personalized strategy based on each client’s needs and concerns.  She can be reached at or (212) 729-4266. For more information on Lloyd Patel LLP, visit their website at

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