Dear Valued Clients, Colleagues and Supporters: We wish you continued health and safety and in the spirit of solidarity and cooperation, below is our fourth newsletter installment with COVID-19 oriented information. Our three previous editions can be found here, here and here.
As the dust begins to settle and states begin to formulate policies to re-engage, we believe it is important for employers and employees to start preparing and planning for the new normal.
Absent a medical breakthrough, we anticipate that over the next few months, states will issue additional rules and regulations governing the work-place in response to COVID-19 - on top of the numerous regulations and guidelines that have already been issued over the last month alone. As businesses are permitted to re-engage, it is imperative that employers and employees understand existing regulations and begin to think of strategies to implement these and future regulations in order to remain in compliance and mitigate liability.
To that end, join partner Yogi Patel, Esq. (Lloyd Patel LLP) and immigration law attorney Steve Maggi, Esq. (SMA Law Firm) for a discussion focused on COVID-19 and its effect on businesses and their employees moving forward. The discussion will touch on regulations governing essential businesses, what happens when an employee contracts COVID-19 and what benefits are currently available under State and Federal law. We will also discuss employers with foreign workers and how they can manage the crisis while keeping in mind immigration-related obligations and consequences and what strategies and best practices should be implemented as we look ahead to the new normal.
This webinar is scheduled for April 22, 2020 at 10:00am and sponsored by We hope you can join us. Register here.
Readers are encouraged to follow us on Twitter (@OutsideLegalLLP) and Facebook to receive updates on these and other issues throughout the month.
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