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June 20, 2024

Legal News

June 20, 2024

Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Federal Employee

The Supreme Court has ruled that federal courts can grant civil servants some flexibility in the timing of their appeals against agency actions. This decision was made in favor of a Defense Department civilian who has been contesting his case for over a decade.

The ruling clarifies that federal employees are not always required to file their appeals with the federal circuit within 60 days of a final decision from the Merit Systems Protection Board. Instead, federal courts can assess individual cases to determine if extraordinary circumstances justify allowing more time for federal workers to file an appeal beyond the standard legal deadline.

Beyond Federal courts, most initial filings and appeals have deadlines that must be adhered to.  The attorneys at Outside Legal Counsel LLP can help assess filing deadlines with respect to employment and business related claims. Reach out to us for a consultation.  

This is not legal advice and is attorney advertising.

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